Applicant Background Checks & Compliance Tracking
American DataBank

Frequently Asked Questions

Health Insurance

Why do I need to submit a copy of my health insurance card?

All students enrolled in a clinical program at Regis University are required to submit a copy of their health insurance card.

Am I eligible for the University Health Insurance?

Only certain RHCHP programs are eligible for the University Health Insurance. Please visit the Regis Student Health Services website to see if your program is eligible: Student Health Insurance.

I’ve been charged for the Regis University Student Health Insurance plan, even though I submitted a copy of my card to Complio. How do I remove the charge from my account?

All eligible students are billed for the health insurance plan. Uploading a copy of your health insurance card to Complio does not automatically remove the charge from your student account or waive the Regis student health insurance. All eligible students must enroll in or waive their student health insurance online. Please contact Regis Student Health Services with questions on how to obtain or waive student health insurance. Telephone: (303) 458-3558. Website: Regis Student Health Services

What type of documentation should active duty military, military dependents, and veterans submit to show proof of Tricare or VA healthcare coverage?

Please submit a copy of your military ID card, dependent ID card or Department of Veterans Affairs ID card.